What is ICANN and what does it do?

what is icann

Whether you are an average internet user or a website owner, it would be good to understand what ICANN is all about. This is one of the most common acronyms we can find on the internet. Please Continue to read; we are ready to share more details with you on what ICANN is all about. … Read more

how to get SSL certificate for website free?

how to get free ssl certificate

As a website owner, it is a must for you to have an SSL certificate installed. It will help you convey to your visitors that your website is secure. That’s because the SSL certificate can create an encrypted tunnel between the visitors of your website and the server. This tunnel will provide maximum protection to … Read more

How to Block IP Address in Website?

block ip address

Are you being attempted hacked by a specific person? Or do you want to block someone from visiting your website? This is where you will see the need to figure out how to block IP addresses. You can block a specific IP address from accessing your website as a website owner. From this article, we … Read more

What Is Cybersquatting and How To Prevent It?

what is cybersquting

You spend a lot of time, effort, and money to build your website’s brand. However, we often see how some people purchase $10 domains that look similar to yours. Buying such a domain and minding their own business is something you can forgive. But what would happen if they went ahead and started threatening you … Read more

How to renew an SSL certificate?

renew ssl

Having an SSL certificate is a must for a website nowadays. When you get your SSL certificate, you will see the need to renew it. It is something that you will need to do without having any excuses. From this article, we will be sharing the steps you will need to follow to renew your … Read more

How To Secure a Domain Name?

secure domain name

If you own a domain name, it is a must to take appropriate steps to protect it. However, there are numerous challenges that you will have to overcome in order to secure and protect a domain name. Through this article, we are looking forward to sharing the steps on how to secure a domain name … Read more